Well, let’s get you on the James Sinclair Business Broadcast! Why?
The podcast gets around 100,000 listens a month. People tune in to hear the challenges entrepreneurs have - while James dissects the problem, finds the issue and prescribes a cure.
James helps with coaching and mentoring, overcoming pesky problems based on his experience and speaking to a multitude of other business owners.
Here’s what we’re looking for:
Open and honest people looking to get help.
Genuinely not satisfied with where you’re at now.
Want to grow your business.
Have a number of challenges.
What we’re NOT looking for:
Someone that just wants to market their business and talk about how great everything is going. The podcast helps people that listen and wants guidance - it’s not an ego platform.
That said, people do get leads from being on the show!
So, if you’d like to come on, fill in this application form and we will see if you qualify.
APPLY to come on my podcast HERE:
Listen to the Podcast:
“I was on the podcast a few years ago, when I was only making £20k per year. I went away and implemented some of the knowledge James shared. Since then, I’ve done £100k, £80k and £100k. Thank you.”
David Gott – The Lovely Car Company
“Having been introduced to James' podcasts by another client of mine, I decided to apply to go on and experience his thoughts on my business and the challenges we face. I found it incredibly useful. I like how it's very black and white without sugar-coating anything. I then attended the Business Masterclass in London, which was fantastic - I made countless notes and found the speakers very interesting.”
Michael Moyers – Director at Alpha Performance Fabrication
LIVE Show - 9 JUNE 2025
Join James and co-presenter James “JB” Burtt for an unmissable evening.
If you’ve enjoyed watching and listening to the Business Broadcast podcast, you’re going to love this! We’ll revisit some of our favourite guests, to see how they have implemented James’ “golden nuggets” and accelerated their businesses.
For serious entrepreneurs wanting to grow their businesses, James will host a live Q&A session, to answer the audience’s burning questions.
JB will also delight the audience with more eccentric shirts and probing questions.
Listen to the latest Business Broadcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts
Follow the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube.
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If you enjoy his YouTube videos or Podcasts, and want an inside look at his businesses, lessons learnt with all the highs, lows, and everything in-between, sign up now to receive these emails directly to your inbox.